Attorney Discipline - Board of Bar Overseers
Attorney Glickman successfully represents attorneys before the Board of Bar Overseers and in recent months has successfully resolved more than a half a dozen disciplinary investigations without disciplinary action. A former panel hearing officer for the Board and a Senior Trial Attorney working for the United States Justice Department Professional Responsibility Advisory Office, Attorney Glickman has the valuable experience to provide you with thoughtful, cost effective, but aggressive representation to guide you through a Board of Bar Overseers inquiry.
Attorney Glickman can help you address questions regarding use of IOLTA funds, conflicts of interest, effective representation of clients, candor before the Courts, complaints from clients and other issues before the Board of Bar Overseers. Glickman LLC is also available to provide guidance to lawyers with questions about representation of clients where the lawyer has concerns about the application of the Rules of Professional Conduct to their clients.
We will work with you to assess whether your professional liability policy covers your attorneys fees for representation before the Board of Bar Overseers. We will also review with you what disciplinary actions the BBO can seek in a disciplinary action. Those actions range from a letter of caution, private admonition public reprimand, suspension for a term or indefinitely to disbarment.
Complaints filed with the BBO are first investigated by the Bar Counsel and their investigators. The attorney is notified of the complaint and is required to respond to the complaint. Bar Counsel may seek written evidence and may require that the attorney appear for examination in a deposition like setting. Frequently, complaints are dismissed after a response from the attorney or a non public outcome, such as having your practice audited by the Massachusetts Law Office Management Assistance Program ("LOMAP"), can be negotiated. If Bar Counsel determines to proceed with further action, it will file a complaint for discipline with the Board of Bar Overseers and the matter will be assigned to a hearing committee for adjudication. Glickman LLC attorneys will vigorously and aggressively defend you at all stages of the process.
External Links
- Attorney Glickman's discussion of what to do if you receive a complaint
- Massachusetts Rules of Professional Conduct
- Coping with negative online reviews.
- Discipline Issues from 2019.
- Ethical issues for leaving a law firm.
- Rules relating to suspended or disbarred attorneys.
- Significant Decisions 2019.
Contact Glickman LLC today for your legal needs.